Students play a vital part in the Enhancement Themes and are represented at all levels. They help to shape the Theme by contributing to institutional work, delivering fully student-led sector-wide projects, and actively directing the strategic focus of the work through the roles they fulfil on the Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee and the Theme Leaders Group.
This helps to ensure that Themes focus on important areas that have a genuine impact such as the Digital Student Communities project, which looked at how student communities had responded to the online-only student learning experience caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
About our work
We work in partnership with sparqs to encourage and promote student engagement in sector-level Enhancement Theme activity. sparqs provides support to the Student-led Steering Group, which develops, runs and delivers an annual student-led project within each Theme.
Student representatives are active members of all sector-level Enhancement Theme committees. A Student Theme Lead and Deputy Student Theme Lead shape the Resilient Learning Communities Theme through the Theme Leadership Team. Each university is represented by a student and a staff member in the Theme Leadership Group, which operationalises the Enhancement Themes at the sector and institutional level.

Interested in getting involved?
Please email us if you would like further information about participating in a student-led project. On our website, you can also explore previous student-led projects from Resilient Learning Communities and learn more about our Student-led Steering Group.