Universal Evaluation Framework: Evaluation for All
Date: | October 10 - 2023 |
QAA Scotland was delighted to attend the launch of the Universal Evaluation Framework in September.
The creation of the digital Universal Evaluation Framework (known as the UEF) aims to liberate colleagues from their fears around evaluation tasks and capabilities. It has been designed to support all, regardless of levels of evaluation experience, role and starting points.
The Framework was designed by Professor Stella Jones-Devitt and Professor Liz Austen, consultants evaluating 20 Years of the Enhancement Themes in Scotland, and draws heavily on that work.
Further information on the background of the development is in the article, Evaluation for all? Why evaluation within and beyond higher education should be universal and accessible.
Over the next two years, the Framework will be free to access, whether as part of continuing enhancement activity in session 2023-24 or for other bespoke evaluation work. A user guide is embedded within the Framework to help you get started on your evaluation journey.
Access to the Universal Evaluation Framework and more evaluation resources are available from the Theme evaluation web page.