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All Scottish higher education institution work on the Themes in their own institution, and they all come together to share what they’ve learned with each other. For the Enhancement Themes to be successful it is vital to involve both staff and students.

How can staff get involved?

Contribution from academic and professional services staff at all levels is required to ensure the Themes engage the wider community. There are various opportunities for staff to engage with the Theme.

Ways in which this can happen

  1. Ask your institutional Theme Leader how you can get involved in the work of the institutional team. There may be projects that you can contribute to within your own department or at institutional level that will enhance learning and teaching and other aspects of the student experience
  2. Attend Enhancement Themes events to help promote your work across the sector and network with colleagues. We run face-to-face events and also hold webinars and Twitterchats
  3. Collaborate with colleagues from other institutions working on similar topics and projects
  4. Look out for requests for expressions of interest in commissioned pieces of work (advertised on the Themes web pages). We fund work on sector-wide projects that may interest you and give you an opportunity to use your skills and expertise to the benefit of the sector.

How can students get involved?

It is vital to the success of the Themes for students to be involved. Many students are already engaged in the work of the Enhancement Themes and are making a positive contribution for current and future students.

Ways in which this can happen

  1. Think about your own course. Does it need development in certain areas? If so, have a look at the current theme and speak to staff in your department about how the themes can help
  2. Staff in your department might not know about the Enhancement Theme. Ask them to find out how the Themes might benefit the course and their teaching
  3. Tell the students' association about any issues your department is struggling with that might need support from the university
  4. Attend Enhancement Themes events and speak directly to those who are involved
  5. Be part of the team of students currently working on our Enhancement Themes Student-led project
  6. Run for office and use the Themes to make positive changes at your university.

Who should I contact?

Each institution has a staff and a student member on the Theme Leaders' Group (TLG). View the TLG membership list to find out who to contact at your institution. Or contact QAA Scotland, please email us or call +44 (0)141 572 3420.